Specialized Services for Children and Youth Network

Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY) is an initiative focused on the integration and, where possible, co-location, of services for Manitoba children and families with a wide range of needs and abilities, with the goal of supporting participation in everyday life. SSCY Network members have been involved with CanChild since 2021, collaborating on a project to evaluate implementation of the F-Words, or “Our Favourite Words” as they are referred to by the Manitoba project team.
Implementation of Our Favourite Words has occurred across several organizations within the SSCY Network, and the team continues to grow! Overall, efforts are working toward seamless integration of strengths-based approaches, including Our Favourite Words, across the services that families connect with. Examples of strategies have included cultivating a community of practice, developing and sharing resources, knowledge translation through a monthly newsletter “Footsteps to Our Favourite Words”, and embedding into current documents (e.g., Here I Come).
Here I Come is a transition document that was developed to promote a more seamless transition to daycare and school. This document is jointly completed with the family to highlight the child and family’s strengths using the Favourite Words framework.