Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion) Education

Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) or concussion is a common Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion) Education - Study Logopediatric problem of increasing incidence. Our team will transfer evidence from the results of our recently completed longitudinal CIHR study examining the recovery trajectories and neuropsychological outcomes of children after brain injury. One of our most significant findings to date is that the term "concussion" is used frequently but inconsistently for differing severity of injuries. If an injury was called a concussion it seemed to convey a less serious injury. This label resulted in a different course of action both in hospital and after discharge, as well as the family was less likely to consider that this was a brain injury.

Education and consistency of approach to MTBI in children is seriously needed at all levels. Children/youth are at greater risk for additional injury and prolonged symptoms if they return to activity too soon. Family physicians and community pediatricians are the frontline health practitioners who most directly impact the health of these children.

In collaboration with the College of Family physicians and the Provincial MTBI Strategy, the team will work to develop and evaluate user-friendly materials that help physicians in:

  1. identification of MTBI;
  2. recommendations for return to activity and school;
  3. referral guidelines for further services, specifically for children/youth in their practice.

Apps for smart phones or blackberries, Pocket Cards with key information, and printed materials will be created for use in offices by physicians and families. A knowledge broker will visit family practice offices to heighten awareness and introduce the tools. Final versions of all materials will be available at no cost on the CanChild website. Transferring knowledge from our results has the potential to improve earlier recognition and family education about childhood brain injury, to prevent re-injury and thus minimize the development of the debilitating secondary sequelae from MTBI.

Research Team

Principal Investigator:


For more information, please contact: Kathy Stayzk, OTReg(Ont)



DeMatteo CA, Hanna SE, Mahoney WJ et al. My Child Doesn't Have a Brain Injury, He Only Has a Concussion. Pediatrics 2010;125(2):327-334.

Laura K Purcell; Canadian Paediatric Society, Healthy Active Living and Sports Medicine Committee. Evaluation and management of children and adolescents with sports-related concussion.Paediatr Child Health 2012;17(1):31.



Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2011-2012)