About My Child
About My Child is a caregiver report of a child's strengths and interests coupled with a measure of common parental concerns about functioning and the impact of the concerns on their child's participation in everyday activities.

About My Child
- was created in the context of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
- has demonstrated reliability and validity
- is not specific to diagnoses
- can be used for children from infancy to 18 years of age
- is appropriate for use in health services research and clinical settings including the determination of health service priorities
- provides a description of a child's strengths and interests followed by 20 questions related to common parental concerns about functioning and the impact of the concerns on their child's participation in everyday activities
- can be scored to describe the 'complexity' that can impact a child's health and care needs
- open-ended comment sections allow the recording of further descriptive information
This video discusses the use of About My Child at SmartStart Hubs in Ontario. It guides the connection of families with child development services.
About My Child Info Sheet
This information sheet provides a summary of the About My Child tool and describes its use at SmartStart Hubs in Ontario.