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Transition into Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities: A Participatory Action Research Approach

This project will involve taking a participatory action research approach to developing a model for the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities. This model will be based on capacity-building and community assets and resources.

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The Motor Learning Strategy Rating Instrument

The Motor Learning Strategy Rating Instrument (MLSRI) is an observer-rated instrument that measures the extent to which physiotherapists use motor learning strategies during physiotherapy interventions for children with acquired brain injury (ABI).

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These six F-words won’t fill up your swear jar: What do the F-words mean to youth with impairments? (Video)

Young people discuss what the "F-words" in disability mean to them, while celebrating all they CAN do!

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Role of the Physician

When parents bring their children into the office for healthy child visits, you have a wonderful opportunity to explore many areas of child development including cognitive, speech, language, gross motor and fine motor, social and self-care.

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CP & the Brain (Video)

Darcy Fehlings explains how CP can effect the brain depending on the type and location of the brain injury.

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Dressing Work Book

The workbook will guide you as you teach your child dressing skills using backward chaining. It will also give you a place to chart your child’s progress along the way.

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Patterns and Predictors of Recreational and Leisure Participation for Children with Physical Disabilities

For children and youth, involvement in life situations includes participation in recreational and leisure activities as well as school and work activities.

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Exertion Testing in Children with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion

The decision regarding return to activity following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/concussion is one of the most difficult and controversial areas in concussion management.

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Family-Centred Service: Completed Studies Reports

A studies series on the topic of Children with disabilities in Ontario: A profile of children's services.

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Occupational Therapy Role in the School: Partnering for Change Model

Occupational therapists (OTs) are regulated health care professionals who work with children in a variety of settings, including schools.

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Current State of Stem Cell Treatments for Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Patients, Families, and Service Providers

This resource describes stem cells in the context of cerebral palsy, and describes the current state of stem cell treatments, including an update on clinical trials and stem cell tourism. 

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Working Together for Change: The role of Community Faculty in education and research

The purpose of the Working Together for Change Project was to influence the thinking and behaviour of researchers, educators and students in post secondary educational settings.

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Family-Centred Service in Ontario: A "Best Practice" Approach for Children with Disabilities and Their Families

Family-centred service is a philosophy and method of service delivery that: recognizes parents as the experts on their child’s needs; promotes partnerships between parents and service providers, and supports the family’s role in decision making about services for their child.

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Suggested Readings for Developmental Coordination Disorder

This is an annotated bibliography of selected books on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) that may be suitable for different audiences and purposes.

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Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting (PEGS)

PEGS is a measure that uses children's self-reported performance on everyday tasks to establish and prioritize occupational therapy interventions.

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Authorship Scenarios

The names and events are fictitious but were developed to initiate discussion of possible authorship dilemmas and to determine how the authorship guidelines could be applied.

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A DCD module for physiotherapists: increase in self-reported knowledge and skills

An online evidence-based DCD module could thus support PTs to implement best DCD practice.

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Generating Innovation through the use of common data:

CanChild in collaboration with multiple partners across Canada have begun to develop standardized clinic and research-based common data elements (CDE).

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Care Pathway for Dystonia in Cerebral Palsy

Key Messages on the "New"AACPDM Care Pathway for Dystonia in Cerebral Palsy video.

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Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting in Children with Disabilities (PEGS) Study

In the PEGS study we are examining whether young children with a disability (6-9 years) can validly self-report their performance on everyday tasks, and whether these self-reports can be used to establish and prioritize goals for occupational therapy intervention.

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An Update on Constraint Therapy in Children with Hemiplegia

Constraint therapy aims to improve the hand and arm use of children with hemiplegia. It involves physical constraint of the uninvolved or less affected arm to increase the use of the more involved or affected arm.

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Genetic Factors in Cerebral Palsy

Recent headlines about the role of genetics in cerebral palsy may have you wondering how studies in genomics might affect your day-to-day life, clinical practice or research. Topics covered by the webinar include an overview of the human genome, how it can vary from person to person, what this has to do with CP & where this might lead.

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Partnering for Change Model

The Partnering for Change team used evidence from the literature to design a conceptual model that was tested in school settings and refined.

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Telepractice Resources

Researchers from CanChild talked with parents and communication professionals to understand their experience with therapies provided virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this project was to understand people’s experiences to inform future telepractice.

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Developmental trajectories of youth with disabilities, ages 12 to 25 years

This project was initiated and funded by the Ministry for Child and Youth Services (MCYS) in Ontario. The results of our synthesis have been used for the ministry’s development of a Youth Policy Framework, named stepping stones.

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Encouraging Participation In Physical Activities For Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder

Parents of children with DCD are often confused and worried about their child’s lack of interest in physical activity. Parents, teachers and coaches may mistakenly label these children as lazy and unmotivated.

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Quebec.

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Pain Prevention and Treatment in Children and Young People with Cerebral Palsy

Pain in children and young people with cerebral palsy is under-recognized and can have a serious impact on quality of life. The webinar is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn more about pain in children and young people with cerebral palsy.

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Aquatic Exercise Programs for Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy

Aquatic exercise programs can provide a fun and motivating form of physical activity.

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Developmental Coordination Disorder Physiotherapy Modules

The current proposal will develop and evaluate the use of a web-based DCD educational resource for PTs that will support evidence-based changes in their practice.

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Knowledge Translation Strategic Planning for CanChild 2013 - 2018

The CanChild team decided to strategic plan for their knowledge translation activities using a framework proposed by Holmes

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Succeeding at School: Accommodations for Students with Coordination Difficulties

DCD is a medical diagnosis, not an educational diagnosis; as such, it does not easily lead to programming to meet children’s learning needs at school. Many children with DCD do not qualify for, nor do they need, special education services.

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Knowledge Brokers: A Model To Support Evidence-Based Changes In Practice - Teleconference Summary -

This document summarizes the discussions had from a teleconference and outlines ways to support knowledge brokering in your organization.

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Evaluation of the Opening Doors Project

The aim of this project is to assist the young adults and their families to develop natural support circles and become involved in community activities.

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Patient Engagement in Research: The value and impact of genuine partnership

This CP-NET Webinar was on Patient Engagement in Research: The value and impact of genuine partnerships.

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Transition to Adult Care: Experiences from Youth and Young Adults

A CP-NET webinar presented by young adults with cerebral palsy who share about their journey from child to adult health care.

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Serial Casting in the Upper Extremity of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Serial casting is an intervention practice that is becoming more commonly used in occupational therapy (OT) practice, in addition to other treatment modalities/protocols for children with cerebral palsy to manage spasticity and related contractures.

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Development and Testing of a Resource Manual for Parents of Young Adults Who Receive Individualized Funding for Support

The goal of this project is to develop a Resource Manual that can be broadly circulated to families who receive individualized funding.

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Interpreting Outcomes in Pediatric Rehabilitation

The objectives of this research are to develop written guidelines to help pediatric therapists use standardized tests more effectively, and then to evaluate the effectiveness of these guidelines.

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Critical Review Forms and Guidelines

Forms and guidelines for conducting critical reviews of outcome measures and journal articles.

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Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A flyer for medical practitioners

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a motor skill disorder that affects 5 to 6% of school-aged children in North America.

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Developing and Validating the GMPM

This project was designed to investigate the validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Gross Motor Performance Measure (GMPM).

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What is Cerebral Palsy? (Video)

Peter Rosenbaum explains the basics of CP in a video produced by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation.

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Finding Community: Social Media for Families of Children with Disabilities

Disability is a culture of identity to which parents aren’t given a handbook, and families of children with disabilities often experience significant stress and feelings of isolation. Social media can be an excellent tool for connecting with other families to share lived experience, support, resources and mentorship, while the accessibility of social media can bridge the barriers of geographic distance and rare diagnoses.

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Children and Youth with Brain Injury: A Review of Rehabilitation Services

In this document, the incidence and impact of brain injury in children and youth is presented

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Health Care Professionals Involved in the Management of DCD

Several types of medical practitioners, including developmental pediatricians, pediatric orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists and psychiatrists, may become involved in the care of a child with DCD.

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Developmental Trajectories of Youth with Disabilities (age 12-25 years of age): A Knowledge Synthesis

This report is the outcome of a knowledge synthesis project on developmental trajectories of youth with disabilities, ages 12 - 25 years.

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“Disability” and Development: Do We Have the Right Focus?

Children grow, change and constantly develop throughout their ‘formative’ years. This process of change in size and capacity – this process of ‘becoming’ – is certainly the defining element of what distinguishes children and youth from adults.

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Development of the Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication

There are many tools that assess the functional status of children with ASD, but no valid and reliable functional classification system exists with which to group children.

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How to support kids in times of crisis?

Evidence-based and endorsed by international organizations suggestions.

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Meet Our Heroes

Meet Hunter and Mussa, two little boys who communicate nonverbally.

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Participation 101: Tip Sheets

These Tip Sheets apply to children and youth of all abilities and were designed with input from parents, occupational therapists and representatives from community organizations to cover a variety of participation topics.

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Guidelines on authorship of abstracts, presentations and papers

To provide a clear understanding of what constitutes 'authorship' and the order in which authors should be recorded.

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Genomic Copy Number Variation in Cerebral Palsy

Scientists have identified many genes involved in neurodevelopmental and neuromuscular disorders, such as autism and muscular dystrophy. This study’s goal was to investigate whether changes in genes could also have effects that result in cerebral palsy (CP).

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The effect of parent support networks for parents who have a child with a disability

This qualitative study was designed to examine the perceived effect of parent support groups in providing parents with support, reducing their stress, and improving their ability to deal with disability issues.

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Are Services Meeting the Health Needs of Children with Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy (CP), one of the most common physical disabilities in childhood, is often associated with co-occurring health conditions, which often have a great impact on children and families. As a result, children with CP require a wide variety of health services.

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FOCUS Webinars

The FOCUS (Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six) is a measurement tool designed to evaluate participation-based outcomes in preschoolers with speech and language impairments. The following four webinar modules have been created in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' Preschool Speech and Language (PSL) Program. The modules describe the FOCUS, and explain how it can be effectively used in clinical practice and program-level evaluations.

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Parent reporting of the GMFCS: How does it compare to classifications made by clinicians?

The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is a widely used method for classifying the movement ability of children with cerebral palsy.

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The Collaborative Process for Participation Goals

The Collaborative Process for Participation Goals was developed by Robert Palisano and Lisa Chiarello to provide a systematic but flexible process to guide families and therapists through the many considerations necessary to develop action plan.

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Youth KIT

The purpose of this study is to obtain the ideas, perspectives, and needs of youth with disabilities, parents, and service providers for the content and design of the Youth version of the KIT (Keeping It Together), and to test the utility of the Youth KIT for youth with multiple exceptionalities.

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Participation and Environment Project

The Participation and Environment Project is a collaboration between researchers in the United States and Canada.

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Developmental Coordination Disorder: What does it mean to me?

This flyer will help answer some of your questions about DCD, provide you with helpful tools and resources to manage your coordination challenges and help you be successful…now and in the future!

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Simulations to Promote Authentic and Meaningful Partnerships in Childhood Disability Research

4 short videos co-developedwith youth, parents, trainees,and researchers to promotediscussion and learning onauthentic and meaningfulpartnerships in research.

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Gross Motor Ability Estimator (GMAE-2) Scoring Software for the GMFM

The GMAE-2 is a software package for scoring the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Like the original, it provides an interval-level measure of gross motor function based on a child's score on the items of the GMFM.

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The meaning of play and work for young people with physical disabilities

This qualitative study involved interviewing 20 adolescents with and without physical disabilities to explore their memories and perceptions of play and work.

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Incidence and Prevalence of Childhood Disabilities

The report reviews a considerable volume of the English language literature published since 1990, and provides a useful review of some critical concepts about the epidemiology of childhood disabilities, as well as an overview of the disabilities with which OACRS programs are concerned.

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10 Principles for Organizing and Delivering Services to Best Support Students with Disabilities

Integration of children with disabilities in mainstream schools is common in Canada, however their academic success and social participation in school activities remain limited. To begin addressing this issue, we reviewed the literature to better understand what is known about effective principles and strategies for organizing and delivering interdisciplinary services for students with various types of disabilities, integrated into regular schools

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Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline Brochures

Child specific Return to Activity guidelines, which are more conservative than adult guidelines, were developed to guide management when youth sustain a concussion.

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Children with Coordination Difficulties: A Flyer for Physical Educators

Some children have a great deal of difficulty learning to coordinate their movements and may appear awkward or clumsy. These children often struggle with participation in physical education class as well as in other subjects that involve handling objects, such as art, music or drama classes.

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Role of the Psychologist

Children who are experiencing learning difficulties at school are frequently referred for psychoeducational assessment.

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The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY): An innovative measure for home, school and community

The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, or the PEM-CY, is a new measurement tool designed to help parents, service providers and researchers better understand the participation of children and youth.

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Transition to an Adult Doctor: 5 Tips for Success

Based on sage advice from interviewed youths

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Self-Care and Ease of Caregiving - Move & Play

This report highlights the information we gathered in the Move & Play study about children’s participation in self-care activities (such as eating, dressing, and bathing), and ease of caregiving for parents.

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What is the evidence of the effectiveness of strengthening for children with cerebral palsy aged 4-18 years?

Muscle weakness is commonly seen in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and can impact on their activities and participation in daily life situations.

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Let's Talk About Sex

The purpose of this pilot study is to translate the Dutch educational Board game "SeCZ TaLK" into English, validate its use across cultures, and evaluate how useful it is and how it is used by youth with childhood-onset disabilities or ongoing (chronic) health conditions in Canada

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Role of the Speech Language Pathologist

Speech-language pathologists often receive referrals for young children who are demonstrating early delays in speech and/or language development.

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The role of the Physiotherapist

Physiotherapists assess young children with motor difficulties and/or delays by observing movement skills and asking critical key questions about their motor abilities and development.

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Determinants of Life Quality in Children with Cerebral Palsy

This two-year study described quality of life and level of participation of children with cerebral palsy (CP).

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The Impact of Environmental Setting on the Mobility of Children with Cerebral Palsy: Research Findings and Clinical Implications

Gross motor function of children with CP is highly variable. Children who are able to walk vary in their speed, endurance, and need for assistive devices.

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Clinical Research: How Does It Work?

CanChild, in partnership with NeuroDevNet, is pleased to offer a one-hour webinar that aims to provide attendees with the essential understanding required to read a study with a critical eye.

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Effective Rehabilitation for Children and Youth with Brain Injury: Analyzing the Evidence

This project includes 6 systematic reviews of different rehabilitation interventions for children and youth with brain injury. Topics to be covered are: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Casting and Splinting, Botox, Alternative Therapies, Feeding and Behaviour Therapy.

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A CanChild research project that aims to develop a program to promote physical activity and encourage an active lifestyle in youth with cerebral palsy (CP) who are learning how to take care of themselves.

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Knowledge Broker

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapists, acting as Knowledge Brokers (KBs) within their own clinical facility to facilitate the clinical use of evidence-based measures of gross motor function for children with cerebral palsy.

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Move & Play Executive Summary

The purpose of the Move & PLAY study was to gain a better understanding of the child, family, and service delivery factors that support the development of movement abilities and participation in self-care, recreation, and play of preschool children with cerebral palsy (CP).

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Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)

The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) is a measurement tool that assists therapists in using a family-centred approach to service delivery by indicating the family's priorities.

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Stay-FIT Pilot Study: Accelerometry is a good way to measure daily physical activity in adolescents with Cerebral Palsy.

The purpose of this study (a Stay-FIT pilot study) was to test the ability of a device known as an accelerometer to measure physical activity in adolescents with CP.

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Early Experiences and Participation Patterns of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

This is a qualitative research study intended to increase the understanding of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) by examining the observations and experiences of their parents.

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Additional Measures

Assistance to Participate Scale (APS), Child's Challenging Behavior Scale (CCBS), Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), Daily Activities of Infants Scale (DAIS), Health Promoting Activities Scale (HPAS), Spinal Alignment and Range of Motion Measure (SAROMM).

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What helps adolescents with cerebral palsy to be physically active? Developing a program to support youth based on focus groups.

In this communication we want to share our study protocol as part of a program to support physical activity for youth with cerebral palsy (CP) using a focus group methodology.

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Northwest Territories

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within the Northwest Territories.

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National Canadian review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families.

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I Want to Participate In...

The “I Want to Participate In…” series of Tip Sheets provide examples of a wide range of leisure activities and are designed for use by children and young adults.

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Communication Technology for Children with Cerebral Palsy

CP-NET is proud to present "Communication Technology for Children with Cerebral Palsy", a webinar highlighting new research and technologies that aim to assess and support a child's ability to communicate.

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D.O.O.R. 2 Adulthood: A Participatory-Action Research Approach to the Evaluation of an Online Transition Resource for Youth with Disabilities in Ontario

The long-term outcome of "D.O.O.R. 2 Adulthood" is to improve the process of transition to adulthood and to adult programs and services for youth with disabilities and their families in Ontario.

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Establishing Valid Criteria for Classification of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

What are the criteria that distinguish children with a MTBI from those with moderate and severe injuries?

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Mental Health in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy

This workshop, led by Dr. Jan Willem Gorter, explores the preliminary findings from the MyStory study, provides resources to help cope during COVID-19, and shared strategies framed around the F-Words on how to stay active and engaged!

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Developing Service Provision Models for Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Early identification, assessment and intervention need to happen during the preschool years to help children with DCD develop pre-academic skills, facilitate transition into school and prevent the development of secondary problems.

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Decision-making about Assistive Technology Interventions in Children with Disabilities: Considerations for Service Providers Working with Families

Assistive technologies include devices that are really tools, equipment, or services designed to compensate for, or enhance the function of, some physical, cognitive or environmental limitation(s).

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Family-centred functional therapy

The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate a family-centred functional therapy approach to improving motor function in 18-month to 4-year old children with cerebral palsy.

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Sensory integration: A review of the current state of the evidence

Sensory integration remains a significant area of practice for occupational therapists and research into sensory integrative and sensory processing disorders continues to flourish, so it is important to keep abreast of recent findings.

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Life Experiences of Adolescents

Although the impact of the disorder in the early school years has been described in the research literature, less is known about the impact of DCD in the later years.

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DCD in Secondary School: Let's MATCH for Success!

One student in every high school class will struggle with coordination difficulties. We can help kids with DCD by teaching them a strategy approach that allows them to MATCH their activities and abilities to promote success.

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Should the Gross Motor Function Classification System Be Used Outside of Cerebral Palsy?

The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is a classification tool used to describe levels of gross motor functioning of children with cerebral palsy (CP). Because of the tool’s accuracy in classifying children with CP, some researchers have attempted to use the GMFCS to describe functional mobility of people with other conditions. Here we explain why the GMFCS should not be used outside the domain of CP.

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OCHSU/HAHSO Transition Stakeholder Alliance Meeting

OCHSU/HAHSO Transition Stakeholder Alliance Meeting - June 2, 2017 Meeting Objectives and Summary Notes

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DCD Physician Study

This study investigated the use of an educational outreach program (using a 'shared-care' model) made available to 147 primary care physicians to improve the long-term management of children with DCD.

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Working Together for Change: The Role of Families in Generating, Using and Transmitting Knowledge in Higher Education and Research

Children, youth and young adults with disabilities and their families currently play a crucial role in changing the attitudes and expectations of their neighbours, those in the helping professions and public policy makers.

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The Gross Motor Function Classification System - Expanded & revised (GMFCS - E&R) is a 5 level classification system that describes the gross motor function of children and youth with cerebral palsy.

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DCD Community Group Leaders and Instructors Flyer

Even though many people have never heard of it, DCD affects about 5% of school-aged children in North America. Children with DCD have trouble learning to coordinate their movements and may appear to be awkward or clumsy.

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Evaluation of An Accessible Playground

This study focused on the impact of an accessible playground on the community and people's attitudes.

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The role of the optometrist

Children who present with school-related difficulties that have a visual or visual-motor basis may have a number of things happening. In this flyer, we provide information about school-aged children who have had their vision tested and who do not appear to have significant visual problems.

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Knowledge Broker Study Report

Knowledge brokering is the process of “bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better.

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Family Life - Move & Play Study

This report focuses on what parents told us about their families at the 2nd session (a telephone interview). We asked about many different things, for example: family activities, the supports that families have in caring for their children, and the home environment.

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Nunavut.

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Transitions experienced by children and their families after acquired brain injury

What are the factors that influence transitions to home, school and community / recreational activities for the school-aged child with an acquired brain injury (ABI)?

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Health Conditions of Children With Cerebral Palsy (CP): Move & Play Study

This report focuses on what parents told us about the health conditions their children have, and how these conditions affected their daily lives. When we say “health”, we mean all the different functions of the whole body.

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A scoping review of the literature on grandparents of children with disabilities

The objectives of this review were to: (a) explore the extent and nature of available research on non-custodial grandparents of children with physical, intellectual, or neurodevelopmental disabilities and (b) descriptively summarize the research findings from those studies.

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"If I knew then what I know now": Parents' reflections on raising a child with cerebral palsy.

In Brief - By talking with parents of children with CP and exploring this feeling further, the aim was to identify areas in which professionals can improve on their practice, as well as to collect information to help parents of newly-diagnosed children with CP.

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Transition to Adulthood with Cyber guide Evaluation (TRACE)

Consistent with best practice guidelines for transition developed in Ontario, the study seeks ways to improve health service delivery to youth in transition and, in so doing, to address this important contemporary health challenge.

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Creating the Future: Engaging Children with Cerebral Palsy in the Circle of Care (Video)

A video inspired by the parent members of the On Track study team and funded by PCORI.

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Summary of the CP-NET Clinical Constraint Therapy Study

Summary prepared for participants in a 2012 CP-NET Clinical Constraint Therapy study.

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Family Centred Service Sheets

Family-centred service is an approach to providing services to children with special needs, where the family is considered to be at the centre of the services.

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Resources to Share with Physicians

Some children show characteristics that are typical of children who have developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Parents may wish to share reports that they get from occupational or physical therapists with their physician and to ask more about DCD.

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Access and Equity Inquiry

These questions provide a guide for conversations with families. They can be asked following or in conjunction with the identification of strengths and concerns

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Yukon.

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An Evaluation of the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY)

This current In Brief includes more details about what we did to evaluate whether the PEM-CY provides consistent information about participation and actually measures what we want it to measure.

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Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY)

The Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, or the PEM-CY, is a new measurement tool designed to help parents, service providers and researchers better understand the participation of children and youth, ages 5 to 17.

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The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF): There is Always More Than a Single Story*

The ICF helps clinicians and families think about a broader and fuller picture of both the specific health information and the life situation of a patient.

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Recreation and Rehabilitation Services - Move & Play

This report focuses on what parents told us about the recreation and rehabilitation services their children received. We collected information about various aspects of these services at the 2nd session, using a parent questionnaire developed by the research team.

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Children with disabilities in Ontario: A profile of children's services.

Part 1: Children, families and services, Part 2: Perceptions about family-centred service delivery for children with disabilities and Part 3: Factors affecting family-centred service delivery for children with disabilities.

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The Use of Botulinum Toxin in Children with Muscle Stiffness: An Update

This Keeping Current is one of a series of reports that discuss the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions for children and youth with brain injury.

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Quality of Life Training Program

This program will enable trainees to generate urgently needed evidence on rehabilitation, and ensure that research findings are translated into improved quality of life.

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Research summary: Changing the task or changing the environment = Changing the Child

This summary is written to help families of children with Cerebral Palsy to understand the findings of a research study “Focus on function: a cluster, randomized controlled trial comparing child-versus contextfocused intervention for young children with cerebral palsy”.

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Pilot study: Perceived competence and goal setting in young children experiencing motor performance difficulties

This was a pilot study designed to develop and evaluate a methodology to assist young children in assessing their competence in the performance of daily tasks and set goals for therapy.

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Cognitive Intervention for Children with Traumatic Brain Injury

This one year pilot study will examine the effectiveness of a short-term, individualized occupational therapy intervention with children 7-15 years of age who are experiencing difficulties at home and school after a traumatic brain injury.

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Finding an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist in Ontario

This flyer outlines the types of services OTs and PTs may provide for children with coordination difficulties and how to locate an OT or PT in your community.

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Safely Returning Children and Youth to Activity after mTBI/Concussion

The decision regarding return to activity following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)/concussion is one of the most difficult and controversial areas in concussion management.

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"My child doesn't have a brain injury, he only has a concussion"

The term concussion is frequently used to describe head injuries in children but there is a lack of agreement about how this term is defined.

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Clinical Measurement Practical Guidelines for Service Providers

A clinical measure is: a published measurement tool and designed for a specific purpose and population.

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ABI Trajectories

Trajectories and Consequences: Long-term follow-up of children and youth and their families after acquired brain injury.

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Ontario Motor Growth Study

The Ontario Motor Growth Study was a longitudinal study designed to chart the gross motor progress of a randomly selected sample of over 650 Ontario children with cerebral palsy.

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DMCN Author Podcast | Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication (ACSF: SC)

Peter Rosenbaum and Briano di Rezze discuss autism, social communication and the Autism Classification System.

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A Future Filled with Opportunities

In this video, Mussa, Hunter and Marshall show how technology allows non-verbal people to dream big for the future.

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Knowledge Brokering in Health Care

This Keeping Current provides an overview of the knowledge brokering literature and is intended to help researchers, service providers, managers and policy makers who are considering establishing knowledge brokering activities within their organizations.

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Measure of Processes of Care Software

Might the development of a software system to accompany the Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC) Outcome Measure enhance the use of this tool in clinical practice?

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How Parents View Their Child’s Participation and Environment: Creating a Foundation for the PEM-CY

This current In Brief includes more details about what we learned from parents about their child’s participation and the impact of the environment on participation.

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Parent to Parent

Helpful tip sheets written by parents who have children with Cerebral Palsy for parents.

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Traffic Lights Model for Cerebral Palsy Interventions

Professor Iona Novak answered several questions about the State of the Evidence Traffic Lights 2019 systematic review on interventions for preventing and treating cerebral palsy in children.

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Feeding and Eating Interventions for Children And Youth With Brain Injury

This Keeping Current is one of a series of reports that discuss the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions for children and youth with brain injury.

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The Child and Adolescent Factors Inventory (CAFI)

The Child and Adolescent Factors Inventory (CAFI) is an inventory of problems in physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning and other symptoms encountered by children with acquired brain injuries as well as other childhood disabilities.

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Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The five-year CanChild Strategic Plan reflects our hopes for About CanChild the future state of CanChild: a centre with a shared purpose, where innovative and impactful child health research is at the heart of what we do, and a centre that is recognized internationally for an environment that cultivates diversity and inclusion, collaboration and partnerships.

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World CP Day Posters

"The Six 'F-Words' for CP" is based on the paper "The 'F-words' in Childhood Disability: I swear this is how we should think!" by Dr. Peter Rosenbaum and Dr. Jan Willem Gorter, and focuses on the key areas of child development. The six F-words are Function, Family, Fitness, Friends, Fun, and Future.​

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Developmental Trajectories of Youth with Disabilities: A Knowledge Synthesis

This report is the outcome of a knowledge synthesis project on developmental trajectories of youth with disabilities, ages 12 - 25 years.

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Knowledge Transfer in Health Care

In health care, there has been increasing recognition of the need to facilitate the transfer of research evidence into clinical practice and policy development.

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Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAMs): What are the Issues and Why are they so Heated?

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. This webinar was presented by Dr Peter Rosenbaum on behalf of CP-NET.

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Cerebral Palsy and Mental Health

Mental and physical health are deeply interconnected.  While chronic health conditions such as Cerebral Palsy (CP) can increase the risk of developing anxiety or depression, untreated anxiety or depression can also contribute to poor physical health. 

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Study

This project involves determining how useful two different approaches to rehabilitation are at improving concussion symptoms and the individual's overall quality of life.

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Development of a Parent Information KIT (KIT: Keeping it Together™)

The KIT: Keeping it Together™ has been designed to help these parents use information as a tool that will help them to get 'the best' for their child(ren).

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Manitoba.

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Handling Stares and Stigma

What social stigma do nonverbal people face today? How can we learn to better communicate?

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Literacy Skills of Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) present with severe speech difficulties. The underlying deficits of CAS are not completely understood and may be impacting the children’s success with reading and writing activities.

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Measure of Processes of Care

The Measure of Processes of Care (pronounced "em-pock") is a well-validated and reliable self-report measure of parents' perceptions of the extent to which the health services they and their child(ren) receive are family-centred.

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Parent Needs and Strategies for Promoting Child Participation: What We Learned from Developing the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY)

This In Brief focuses on feedback from parents regarding the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY).

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Children with Disabilities in Ontario: A Profile of Children's Services (FCS-II)

This cross-sectional survey has been conducted as a follow-up to a study of family-centred service implementation in Ontario during the early 1990's.

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How to recognize and refer children with hemiplegic (unilateral) cerebral palsy

‘Hemiplegia’, ‘hemiparesis’, or ‘unilateral’ CP affects the movement and muscle tone on one side of the body, although often the other side of the body may be affected to a lesser extent.2 It is the most common form of CP.

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The McMaster Handwriting Assessment Protocol - 2nd edition

Handwriting is a complex and important functional task for school-aged children and the primary way they express thoughts, ideas and knowledge.

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Monitoring development of children with cerebral palsy: the On Track study. Protocol of a longitudinal study of development and services.

Monitoring development of children with cerebral palsy: the On Track study. Protocol of a longitudinal study of development and services.

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Sleep Issues Among Children with Cerebral Palsy

Sleep issues are very common throughout infancy, childhood, and pre-adolescence. Studies estimate that sleep disturbances vary from 5% to 40% among all children.

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Dynamic Systems Theory: A Framework for Exploring Readiness to Change in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Dynamic Systems Theory (DST) is a theory of motor development that can be applied to the management of children with Cerebral Palsy.

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Developmental Coordination Disorder: Cardiovascular Risk Trajectory (PHAST II)

Establishing the cardiovascular risk trajectory of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (PHAST II)

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Teachers' perceptions of children with DCD

Timely and effective identification of children with DCD relies on a better understanding of teachers' perceptions of children with motor difficulties, especially with regard to the influence of child gender, child behaviour and the type of motor problem.

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Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS © ) is a clinical tool designed to evaluate change in communicative-participation in preschool children. ‘Communicative participation’ is the child’s communication and interaction in “real world” situations at home, school, or in the community

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The transition to adulthood for youth with physical disabilities: A qualitative exploration

This qualitative research project examined the experiences, perceptions and needs of youth with physical disabilities in the process of transition from adolescence to adulthood.

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On Track Study Family Newsletters

The On Track Study is a large multi-site collaboration involving researchers, therapists, families, and children with cerebral palsy (CP) from across Canada and the United States.

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Adolescent Study of Quality of Life, Mobility and Exercise (ASQME Study)

Although it has been suggested that adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP) may experience loss of function following puberty, little research evidence exists to support this claim.

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Casts, Splints, and Orthoses - Upper Extremity Review of effectiveness literature for children with neurological disorders

Children who have a neurological condition, such as cerebral palsy or brain injury, often have difficulty moving their body. Muscle spasticity is one of the most common reasons for this difficulty.

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PARTICIPATE STUDY: The Participation of Children with Disabilities

The PARTICIPATE study has been designed to examine the participation of children with physical disabilities in formal and informal everyday activities.

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Hospital-based Comprehensive Care Programs for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN): A Systematic Review

Comprehensive hospital-based programs for CSHCN aim to: streamline care, improve health outcomes, and support families and primary care providers.

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The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF): A Global Model to Guide Clinical Thinking and Practice in Childhood Disability

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (WHO, 2001) is a classification system developed by the World Health Organization that focuses on the 'components of health'.

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Newfoundland & Labrador

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Newfoundland & Labrador.

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British Columbia

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within British Columbia.

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Meet Jessica (Video)

In this video, Jessica (a community advisor on cerebral palsy research and person with lived experience) and Jan Willem (a clinician researcher studying cerebral palsy) tell us about cerebral palsy, some of the misconceptions that surround it and what we can do to tackle them. Produced by the Ontario Brain Institute for Brain Awareness Week 2017.

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What do we know about the relationship between family characteristics and infant gross motor development? Research findings and clinical implications

In this Keeping Current, we explore the relationship between selected family characteristics and infant gross motor development.

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M.A.T.C.H. Flyers: A Resource for Educators

The most important thing a teacher can do to help a child reach his/her full potential is to make sure the task and the learning environment are right for the child.

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Taking the Leap

An informational transition guide for teens with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in starting high-school.

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"If I knew then what I know now" ... Parents' Reflections on Raising Children with Cerebral Palsy

Qualitative interviews with 9 parents participating in this study in order to learn from them about their experiences parenting a child with cerebral palsy from early childhood into young adulthood.

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CP-NET Meet the Expert: Neurotechnology

Dr. Elaine Biddiss and Dr. Anna McCormick answered questions about the CP-NET neurotechnology platform and a video game (Bootle Blast) that they developed to track the movement of children with cerebral palsy.

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Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)

The Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) is a clinical tool designed to evaluate change in gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy.

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Nova Scotia

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Nova Scotia.

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Creating Possibilities for Cerebral Palsy (Video)

Created in collaboration with children, youth and adults with cerebral palsy and their families, and released in celebration of World CP Day.

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Child and youth participation in leisure activities: Does the environment make a difference?

In this Keeping Current, we explore the impact of the environment on the participation of children and youth who are living with a disability.

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Integrated Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disability: Engaging with Partners Throughout the Research Process

This reflection paper is intended to raise awareness and stimulate thinking about Integrated Knowledge Translation (iKT) and how one might engage with a range of partners to develop iKT strategies.

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Respite Services: A Critical Review of the Literature

Families of children with special needs often require a number of services to enhance the health, well-being and life quality of their child and family.

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Motor Growth Curves

GMFM scores of a sample of over 650 Ontario children with cerebral palsy with varying GMFCS levels have been used to create five Motor Growth Curves.

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Use of the Gross Motor Function Classification System to Optimize Rehabilitation Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy

The GMFCS is a standardized system to classify gross motor function of children with CP aged 12 months to 12 years based on observation of a child's self-initiated movement and need for assistive technology and/or wheeled mobility.

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The Child and Adolescent Scale of Environment (CASE)

The Child and Adolescent Scale of Environment (CASE) measures the perceived impact of problems experienced with physical, social and attitudinal environment features of the child’s home, school and community.

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Developmental Coordination Disorder: Screening and Intervention (PHAST I)

Developmental Coordination Disorder: Examination of a feasible screening and intervention for clumsy children (PHAST I)

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Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test (QUEST)

The Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test is an outcome measure designed to evaluate movement patterns and hand function in children with cerebral palsy.

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Focus on Function

The Focus on Function Study will compare two treatment approaches ("child-focused" and "context-focused") that are currently being used for children with cerebral palsy and other developmental and motor delays.

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Children with Epilepsy Quality of Life (CHEQOL): Parent and Child Questionnaire

Developed in 2003 by Drs. Gabriel M Ronen, Peter L Rosenbaum, and David Streiner, the Children with Epilepsy Quality of Life (CHEQOL): Child and Parent Questionnaires seek to understand the quality-of-life factors that matter most to children and their families.

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Adolescents with cerebral palsy: Transition to high school

The literature helps in understanding the things that affect children with CP in moving from preschool to primary school and from school to post-secondary options.

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Concussion) Education

In collaboration with the College of Family physicians and the Provincial MTBI Strategy, the team will work to develop and evaluate user-friendly materials that help physicians in: identification of MTBI; recommendations for return to activity and school; referral guidelines for further services, specifically for children/youth in their practice.

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Quality FM

The Quality FM is an observational instrument to be used in the evaluation of the quality of movement in children with cerebral palsy.

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The Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation (CASP)

The Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation (CASP) measures the extent to which children participate in home, school, and community activities as reported by family caregivers.

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Metformin and Neural Repair in Mouse Models of Cerebral Palsy

Metformin is an promising drug that may be effective in the treatment of people with CP following brain injury.

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Bringing the 'F-Words' to Life: How are families and service providers using the 'F-words' in practice?

A CP-NET webinar highlighting 'F-word' in Childhood Disability resources and strategies for implementing the concept at home and in clinical practice.

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Ontario.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders and Occupational Therapy - Briefing to the Senate Standing Committee

Brief on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Occupational Therapy for the Senate Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Ottawa, Nov. 2006.

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Language Characteristics of Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy

Children with cerebral palsy are at increased risk for language disorders. It is estimated that 20% of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy have severe communication impairments.

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Family-centred service: Moving ideas into practice

This study is designed to develop and evaluate educational materials about family-centred service.

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Caring About Caregivers

Through this research, we are investigating how various child and caregiver characteristics impact the health of primary, informal (unpaid) caregivers (usually parents).

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On Track Study Report to Families March 2018

On Track Study Report to Families March 2018

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Information Transfer: What do Decision-Makers Want and Need from Researchers?

The purpose of this one-year study is to examine the needs of decision-makers in the field of childhood disability services when it comes to using research-based information to shape policy.

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Hip Surveillance in Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy

This CP-NET webinar is on hip surveillance in children and youth with cerebral palsy (CP).

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Measures of Children's Participation and Enjoyment: CAPE & PAC

The Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) and the Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC) are two companion measures of children's participation.

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Lower extremity splinting for children with cerebral palsy

The purpose of this multi-centre randomized control trial was to evaluate the effects of lower-extremity orthoses on the gross motor function and performance of children with spastic CP who are not yet walking independently.

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Childhood Disability in the Context of Poverty

A Discussion Paper Prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services.

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My Favourite Words

Based on "The 'F-words' in Childhood Disability: I swear this is how we should think!" (© CanChild 2012) Created by Instituto Nossa Casa (Brazil) . English version produced by CP-NET with support from the Ontario Brain Institute.

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Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication (ACSF:SC)

The Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication, or ACSF, provides a standardized and simplified way for clinicians, therapists, teachers, and parents to talk about what a child’s social communication abilities are.

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Children with DCD: At home, at school and in the community (Booklet)

This booklet is designed to help parents and educators identify and manage school-aged children who are demonstrating movement problems typical of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).

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Developing All About Outcomes, Part 1: Measuring clinical outcomes in children's rehabilitation centres in Ontario

This project was the first of two studies designed to develop and test a computerized software program that would enable health service providers in children's treatment centres to select the most appropriate outcome measure to use with individual clients and/or in program evaluations.

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Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy In the School Environment

The provision of occupational therapy services to students in the school system continues to be a growing area of pediatric practice in Ontario, through the School Health Support Services (SHSS) Programme, and elsewhere across Canada and the United States under varying service delivery and funding models.

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Prince Edward Island

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Prince Edward Island.

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Family-centred service: Developing and validating a self-assessment tool for pediatric service providers

This study was designed to develop a self-assessment tool for pediatric health professionals, to measure their self-reported implementation of family-centred.

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Early Identification: Are Toddlers with Speech/Language Impairments at Increased Risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder?

Some children with speech/language impairment show delays in their ability to communicate, which are not due to any sensory, intellectual or neurological disorder.

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An Update On The Use Of Virtual Reality Technology To Improve Movement In Children With Physical Impairments

The use of virtual reality technology as a rehabilitation intervention to improve or remediate children's movement skills is being explored in clinical practice and research.

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Alternative And Complementary Therapies: For Children And Youth With Brain Injury - Part 1: Controversies

This Keeping Current is one of a series of reports that discuss the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions for children and youth with brain injury.

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In the STACK Study (which stands for Screening, Tracking and Assessing Coordination in Kids), students in Grades 4 to 8 in two school boards were screened to identify children who may have coordination difficulties.

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Let’s not go back to ‘normal’! Lessons from COVID-19 for professionals working in childhood disability

This paper reviews issues and considerations about the delivery of child disability health services in the context of the global pandemic and reflects on colleagues’ experiences and lessons learned.

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Determining Physical Activity Levels and Cardiovascular Health in Adults with Cerebral Palsy (Stay-FIT 20-40 years study)

In the Stay-FIT pilot study, it was determined that the physical activity level of adolescents with CP (mean age 13.5 years) was lower than that of their healthy peers. However, the vessel health was not statistically different.

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Motor and Self-Care Abilities - Move & Play

There are 2 summaries in this series describing the results of the main goal of the Move & PLAY study: to determine which child, family, and service factors influence children’s motor, self-care, and play abilities.

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Neurodevelopmental therapy and casting: A comparison of intensive neurodevelopmental therapy plus casting

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined effect of intensive neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) and casting in children 18 months to 4 years of age who have cerebral palsy.

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Outcomes of Toddlers with Speech/Language Delays: A Follow-up at Kindergarten

This study set out to determine whether information gathered from parents and speech/language pathologists when they were toddlers are predictive of outcomes.

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Evaluation of an information KIT for parents of children with special needs: Use, utility and impact

The focus of this two-year prospective evaluation (N=500) is to determine the perceptions of impact and use of the Parent Information KIT (KIT: Keeping it Together™) in pediatric rehabilitation settings.

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Assessing Quality of Life of Children and Youth with Disabilities: A Review of Available Measures

This purpose of this study was to systematically document and evaluate existing measures of quality of life for children in order to help guide service providers and others in determining which measures offer the best utility to centres and agencies that provide rehabilitation services to children with disabilities.

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Transition to Adulthood Services and Supports for Youth with Disabilities in Ontario: Best Practice Guidelines

There are currently no best practice guidelines in Canada for service planning and delivery that address the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities. This "In Brief" highlights the recommendations from a research study which used an evidence-based approach to develop such guidelines for services and supports in Ontario.

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Scissor Activities and the JK/SK Student

The following packaged resources were developed for occupational therapists (OTs) and teachers, working with children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and other motor coordination challenges on scissor activities.

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How Does Clinical Research Work? A Two-part Primer. Part 1: How to Ask a Research Question and Design a Study

Clinical and health services research in childhood disability are essential if we are to move the field forward and have confidence that what we believe we ‘know’ is in fact based on credible studies.

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Disability and Child Development: Integrating the Concepts

The purpose of this Keeping Current is to review the concern that, rather than being integrated, these two streams ("development" and "disability") of thought have traditionally run more or less in parallel.

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Alberta.

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The MyStory Project will study the physical health (fatigue and pain), mental health (anxiety and depression), chronic stress, and overall well-being in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Cerebral Palsy (CP) between the ages of 13-30.

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Enhancing Fitness, Adaptive Motor Function, and Participation of Children with Cerebral Palsy Classified in Levels IV and V

This report will address adaptive motor function of children with cerebral palsy. Adaptive motor function enables performance of activities in daily life despite limitations in motor control of posture and movement.

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Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guidelines

Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury has been receiving warranted attention over the past 2 years, after years of the impact of concussion being minimized.

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The 'Key Worker' Model of Service Delivery

The 'key worker' model is a method of service delivery involving a person who works in a guide role with families.

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Assessing motor function of children with Down syndrome: A validation study

This study was designed to examine the reliability, validity and responsiveness of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) to describe and evaluate changes in motor function in children with Down Syndrome.

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CP-NET Webinar: Covert (and Overt) Attitudes Toward Disability

This webinar discussed the importance of 'attitudes' toward children, youth and adults who live with impairments in physical and/or cognitive function.

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Understanding the Values, Priorities, and World Views of Families Raising Children with Chronic Developmental Conditions

This three-year study will look at how parenting a child with a disability affects family values, priorities, and views of their place in the world.

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Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) Webinar

This CP-NET webinar allows you to meet the experts on Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR), highlighting frequently asked questions and practical information. All information is presented in plain language by a panel that includes parent, doctor, therapist, and researcher perspectives.

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Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for children with cerebral palsy: Is there an impact on brain activity?

This In Brief discusses Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), a therapy approach program aimed to improved the hand and arm use of children with hemiplegia.

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Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Role of the Occupational Therapist

Children who are experiencing difficulties with handwriting and other fine motor activities at school are often referred for an occupational therapy (OT) assessment.

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Discover CP-NET (Video)

Learn more about CP-NET, our vision, our programs of research, and the amazing partners that help make it all happen

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Growing up with CP: Mental health & well-being

CP-NET is excited to present “Growing up with CP: Mental Health & Well-being,” a webinar initiated and led by young adults for young adults. Highlighting both lived experience and recent research from the CP-NET MyStory project, this webinar will explore the intersection of mental health and CP, and discuss how we can better support young people in developing positive outcomes in mental health and well-being.

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Dressing Skills and the JK/SK Student

The following packaged resources were developed for occupational therapists (OTs) and teachers, working with children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and other motor coordination challenges on dressing-related issues.

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Childhood Cerebral Palsy Integrated Neuroscience Discovery Network (CP-NET)

This project, called CP-NET, will connect children with Cerebral Palsy and their families to a network of world-renowned researchers from across Ontario, and across scientific disciplines to improve the understanding of CP and accelerate the development of new treatments.

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Canadian child development organizations lead research in innovative supports for making practice changes based on evidence

Administrators in the study reported that knowledge brokering appears to be an efficient strategy for providing educational opportunities that enable integration of new ideas into everyday practice.

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Communication for All

Check out our newest video about communication in non-verbal people with CP

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Caring about Caregivers Project Newsletter

A study update from November 2003 from Caring About Caregivers.

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Conceptual Model of the Move and PLAY study

A conceptual model is a diagram that shows different factors that we think may have an effect on a variety of outcomes, such as motor abilities, self-care abilities, and participation in play.

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Ontario Brain Injury: Pilot Project on Imaging of Concussions

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries sustained when the head hits an object or a moving object strikes the head or another part of the body.

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Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within Saskatchewan.

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DCD Parent Study

This was a qualitative research study intended to increase the understanding of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) by examining the observations and experiences of their parents.

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Creating the MPOC, Part 1: Measuring processes of care-giving and parental psychosocial well-being

This was the first of two studies conducted to construct a valid and reliable instrument that would measure the processes of professional care-giving.

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Creating the MPOC, Part 2: Validation of a measure of processes of care-giving

This cross-sectional study continued a multi-year program of research conducted to understand the relation between caregiving offered to parents of children with neuro-developmental disabilities and parents' mental health

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Measuring the External Impact of University-Community Research Alliances and Partnerships Addressing Social/Health Services Issues

The aim of this 3-year research program is to develop a reliable and valid survey measure of the community impacts of research partnerships between universities and community agencies that address social or health services issues.

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New Brunswick

Review of the legislation, policies and programs that exist to support children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families within New Brunswick.

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The Motor Learning Strategy Clinical Decision-Making Process

A clinical decision-making process outlining how therapists can use motor learning strategies in practice.

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A Shared Care Model: Providing Rehabilitation Services in Primary Care

This shared care model introduced occupational therapists (OT) into primary care offices to assist with the identification, diagnosis and management of DCD.

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Designing Action-based Exergames for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Exergames are a promising way to allow children with CP to participate in physical activity, permitting adaptations of exercise equipment and video games. In this In Brief, researchers tried to answer the question "Can action based exergames that are fun to play over the long term be designed for children with CP?"

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Do You Know A Child Who Is Clumsy? A flyer for coaches and sports instructors

Do you know a child who is motivated to participate in sports activities at first, but they experience significant frustration when they just can’t seem to “get the hang of it”?

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ACSF:SC Study: In Brief

ACSF:SC (Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication)

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Ensuring intervention fidelity in rehabilitation research

Fidelity to treatment or intervention fidelity refers to the degree to which an intervention or program is delivered as intended.

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To Write or to Type – That is the Question!

In today’s society, keyboarding is an important skill for all children to learn, but it is particularly important for children with motor coordination difficulties. With support and appropriate instruction, even young children with coordination difficulties can learn to be very proficient typists.

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Young Children's Participation and Environment Measure (YCPEM)

The YC-PEM is designed to help parents, service providers and researchers better understand the participation of young children with and without disabilities ages 0 to 5 years.

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How Does Clinical Research Work? A two-part Primer. Part 2: How to Do a Study, and What Should We Measure?

Part 2 focuses on issues in outcome measurement and generalizing findings from one study to the next.

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Assistance to Participate Scale (APS)

The APS is a brief, psychometrically sound instrument that measures the assistance that a school-aged child with a disability requires to participate in play and leisure activities at home or in the community, from the primary caregiver's perspective.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) as a ‘treatment’ for Cerebral Palsy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a technique that allows 100% oxygen to be delivered to the body's tissues under increased atmospheric pressure. To achieve this, the patient enters a "pressure chamber" that makes it possible to increase the atmospheric pressure to "hyperbaric" levels, i.e., above the earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level.

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About My Child

About My Child is a caregiver report of a child's strengths and interests coupled with a measure of common parental concerns about functioning and the impact of the concerns on their child's participation in everyday activities.

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Letting go (at least a little bit)

Jan Willem Gorter discusses teens in transition in this video produced by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. What do you do to encourage your child's independence?

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Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) New, Shortened Versions - Move & Play

The Move & PLAY team developed a new, even shorter method of using the GMFM: the GMFM-66 B&C. It uses a “basal and ceiling” approach; child is assessed using items that range between the easiest and most difficult levels of his or her abilities; accurate scores can be obtained using as few as 15 items

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