Dr. Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm
Associate Member

Associate Members
Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm, is an Associate Professor at the Karolinska Institutet, Department of Woman's and Children's Health, Neuropediatric unit, Stockholm Sweden. Lena is initially trained as an Occupational Therapist and has a clinical as well as research interest in hand function, functional performance and participation in everyday tasks in children and adolescents with disabilities. Lena completed her PhD in 2002 and spent a post-doctoral period at CanChild in 2004. Lena has a special interest in outcome measures and is the primary author of the Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA), is one of the developers of the Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) and the Children's Hand-use Questionnaire (CHEQ). She has also been involved in cultural validation of several outcome measures, recently with two CanChild instruments; the PEGS and the CAPE/PAC. She is engaged in the Follow-up Programme and National Quality Register for persons with cerebral palsy, CPUP. Current research projects involve further instrument development and evaluation of interventions for children with disabilities, from infancy to adulthood.
Areas of Focus
Development and evaluation of interventions for children with disabilities, from infancy to adulthood