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CanChild is a non-profit research and educational centre located within the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Our research focuses on improving the lives of children with a variety of developmental conditions and their families over the lifecourse.

Founded in 1989, CanChild is a world leader in the field of childhood disability. Our cutting-edge research and active strategies for making findings easily accessible to a wide range of audiences make CanChild the premier source for childhood disability information. CanChild has developed strong collaborative research partnerships, creating an alliance between families, world-class scientists, and established research organizations in Canada and internationally. These partnerships are vital to CanChild’s future growth and success.

CanChild's multidisciplinary team includes researchers from pediatrics, rehabilitation medicine (physiatry), occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language pathology, kinesiology, social psychology, epidemiology and biostatistics.