Dr. Christopher Morris
Associate Member

Chris is a Professor in Child Health Research at the University of Exeter Medical School, UK. He has led PenCRU: the Peninsula Childhood Disability Research Unit since 2009. PenCRU carries out a broad programme of applied health services research evaluating ways to improve the health and wellbeing of disabled children and their families. Chris initially trained and worked as an Orthotist, and has been awarded Masters and Doctoral degrees by the University of Oxford. In 2003 and 2006 he spent semesters at CanChild as a visiting scholar working with Peter Rosenbaum and colleagues whilst studying in the Health Research Methodology programme.
Areas of Focus
Involving families as partners in childhood disability research, systematic reviews, qualitative research, evaluating therapies and interventions, knowledge mobilization, and the appraisal and use of patient-reported outcome measures
Parent reporting of the GMFCS: How does it compare to classifications made by clinicians?
The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is a widely used method for classifying the movement ability of children with cerebral palsy.