Dr. Barbara Piškur
Associate Member

Barbara is a senior researcher at the Research Center Autonomy and Participation, and a senior lecturer at the Master of Innovation in Complex Care and the Occupational Therapy Department at Zuyd University, in the Netherlands. Her research interests are: (a) exploring parents’ role in enabling participation of children with a physical disability with a focus on parents’ actions, challenges and needs, (b) evaluating and implementing participation/environment assessment instruments (e.g. CAPE, PAC, PEM-CY, COPM), (c) initiating and enabling user-involvement in research, (d) exploring context, evaluating and implementing interventions to enable child’s participation at school (e.g. Partnering for Change – P4C). Barbara aims to cooperate nationally together with partners of NetChild and internationally to generate knowledge for enabling participation of children and youth with different developmental conditions and their families. Besides her research interest, she is involved in a large national innovation project ‘Schouders’, which aims to establish a knowledge-platform for empowering parents of children having a developmental condition or chronic illness.
Areas of Focus
Parental roles in enabling participation of children with physical disabilities, evaluating and implementing assessment instruments, initiate and enable user-involvement in research, context, evaluation and implementation of interventions for children in schools