Peter Cahill

Peter pursued dual research/clinical training in communication disorders at Dalhousie University. He then practiced as a paediatric speech-language therapist in the Canadian north before joining CanChild as a trainee. He particularly enjoys clinical work with children who benefit from early intervention services, as well as augmentative and alternative communication strategies.
Peter is currently a Ph.D. candidate with the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University, where he works under the supervision of CanChild Scientist, Dr. Wenonah Campbell. Peter’s current projects focus on identifying meaningful outcomes for tiered service delivery models in schools, as well as shared decision-making supports at the health systems level. He continues to collaborate with northern communities to support child health and wellbeing.
Areas of Focus
Population and public health for rehabilitation services, tiered service delivery models, northern health service delivery, evidence-based shared decision-making, language disorders