Beatriz Helena Brugnaro

Beatriz is a PhD (Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) - Brazil) in Neurofunctional Pediatric Physical Therapy. She was twice a research visitor at CanChild (2018 under supervisor of Dr. Peter Rosenbaum and 2022 under supervisor of Dr. Olaf Kraus de Camargo). She is a partner of canChild developing research focusing on Down syndrome and qualitative research. She graduated in Physical Therapy in 2018 (UFSCar). Beatriz is a sister of a young woman with Down syndrome, who inspires your research. She made the translation of the F-Words Tools, F-Words for School and the About My Child into Brazilian Portuguese.
Areas of Focus
International Classification of Function (ICF), biopsychosocial approach in Down Syndrome, The Challenge Assessment in Down syndrome, qualitative research and translation of materials into Brazilian Portuguese.