Anna Swain
Research Coordinator

Research and Knowledge Translation Support
Anna (Anya) Swain is a Research Coordinator at CanChild and works on COVID Time Capsule. In this project, a collaborative team of researchers, children and families are working together to better understand the experiences of youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities (NDDs) and their caregivers during the pandemic, with a specific focus on healthcare and service provision, available supports, education, and overall well-being. Through the partnership with youth and their parents using interviews, surveys and arts-based research methods, this project aims to inform ‘best practices’ for children and youth with NDDs now and after COVID by developing a series of knowledge translation materials.
Anna holds a graduate degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in infancy and early childhood from St Petersburg University and currently is an MSc student in Family Relations and Human Development program at University of Guelph. Her research is focused on exploring the experiences of young individuals who provided care for their family members during COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario.