Dr. Ginny Paleg
Associate Member

Associate Members
Dr. Ginny Paleg has dedicated 40 years to empowering mobility, engagement, and participation for children who are non-ambulatory. She earned her master’s degree at Emory University and her doctorate at the University of Maryland.
Dr. Paleg has published in over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, and presents clinical solutions in power mobility, supported stepping and standing, hypotonia, and hip health. She is the lead author of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy Hypotonia Care Pathway. As a dedicated member of AACPDM and APTA, she champions early detection of cerebral palsy and advocates for evidence-based care for non-ambulatory children. Social media is her chosen tool for knowledge translation.
Dr. Paleg's clinical practice, is in Rockville, Maryland where she works directly with children aged 0-3 in homes and childcare settings for her local school system’s early intervention program. Her specialization in posture and mobility assessment for children with complex needs at GMFCS Levels IV and V allows her to tailor personalized pathways, unlocking their potential for movement and joy. Through her extensive certifications, including Prechtl General Movement Assessment (GMA) and the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Exam (HINE), and her training in Routines Based Interventions and coaching, Dr. Paleg builds capacity in families, as experts in their own children. Dr. Ginny Paleg believes that it is a human right and included in IDEA legislation, that all children at GMFCS Levels IV and V be enabled, using assistive technology, to experience the joys of exploration and play.