Dr. Robin Gaines
Associate Member

Associate Members
Robin Gaines, PhD., CCC-SLP, SLP(c), Investigator, is a clinical researcher with the CHEO Research Institute. Robin has over 30 years of experience conducting research with preschool and school age children with speech/language and coordination disorders and led an innovative Ottawa-based KT project educating family physicians and pediatricians about DCD.
Areas of Focus
Early identification of children at risk for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as intervention for children with suspected childhood Apraxia of Speech
A Shared Care Model: Providing Rehabilitation Services in Primary Care
This shared care model introduced occupational therapists (OT) into primary care offices to assist with the identification, diagnosis and management of DCD.
Early Identification: Are Toddlers with Speech/Language Impairments at Increased Risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder?
Some children with speech/language impairment show delays in their ability to communicate, which are not due to any sensory, intellectual or neurological disorder.
Canadian child development organizations lead research in innovative supports for making practice changes based on evidence
Administrators in the study reported that knowledge brokering appears to be an efficient strategy for providing educational opportunities that enable integration of new ideas into everyday practice.
Literacy Skills of Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) present with severe speech difficulties. The underlying deficits of CAS are not completely understood and may be impacting the children’s success with reading and writing activities.
Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Role of the Speech Language Pathologist
Speech-language pathologists often receive referrals for young children who are demonstrating early delays in speech and/or language development.