BJ Cunningham

BJ completed her PhD with Dr. Peter Rosenbaum in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. She is now an Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western University. Her program of research is focused on preschoolers’ communicative participation and includes practice-based research and implementation science to improve programs and services for preschoolers with communication difficulties and disorders. This research program was developed after more than 10 years of working clinically as a speech-language pathologist with preschoolers and their families in Ontario’s Preschool Speech and Language (PSL) Program, and in collaboration with PSL Program stakeholders. Knowledge is co-created and aimed at informing and changing policy at multiple levels, developing, evaluating and optimizing new service delivery models, and creating evidence-based resource allocation in pediatric speech-language pathology.
Areas of Focus
communicative participation, preschool speech-language services, implementation science