Dr. Lisa Rivard

Lisa completed a degree in physiotherapy in 1991 at the University of Western Ontario. Following her clinical training, she worked in a variety of pediatric settings with infants and young children and held several research positions including coordinating a funded clinical research project, providing research support to funded grants, and as the Project Coordinator for a multi-province 3-year CIHR-funded knowledge translation study at CanChild. In 2005, Lisa completed a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. Her Masters’ work investigated teachers' perceptions of the motor difficulties of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Recently, Lisa completed a PhD in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University, using an innovative eye-tracking paradigm to examine the role of visual attention during motor performance in children with DCD. Currently, Lisa is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Infant and Child Health Lab in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster where she continues to advance her DCD program of research.
Areas of Focus
Childhood Health and Disability, Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Developmental Coordination Disorder, Motor Control, Motor Learning, Motor Development
Knowledge Brokering in Health Care
This Keeping Current provides an overview of the knowledge brokering literature and is intended to help researchers, service providers, managers and policy makers who are considering establishing knowledge brokering activities within their organizations.
Knowledge Broker
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapists, acting as Knowledge Brokers (KBs) within their own clinical facility to facilitate the clinical use of evidence-based measures of gross motor function for children with cerebral palsy.
A DCD module for physiotherapists: increase in self-reported knowledge and skills
An online evidence-based DCD module could thus support PTs to implement best DCD practice.
Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: At home, at school, and in the community
This booklet is designed to help parents and educators identify and manage school-aged children who are demonstrating movement problems typical of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
Developmental Coordination Disorder: What does it mean to me?
This flyer will help answer some of your questions about DCD, provide you with helpful tools and resources to manage your coordination challenges and help you be successful…now and in the future!
Encouraging Participation In Physical Activities For Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder
Parents of children with DCD are often confused and worried about their child’s lack of interest in physical activity. Parents, teachers and coaches may mistakenly label these children as lazy and unmotivated.
Children with coordination difficulties: A flyer for physical educators
Some children have a great deal of difficulty learning to coordinate their movements and may appear awkward or clumsy. These children often struggle with participation in physical education class as well as in other subjects that involve handling objects, such as art, music or drama classes.
Recognizing and Referring Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Physiotherapists assess young children with motor difficulties and/or delays by observing movement skills and asking critical key questions about their motor abilities and development.
Motor Growth Curves
GMFM scores of a sample of over 650 Ontario children with cerebral palsy with varying GMFCS levels have been used to create five Motor Growth Curves.
Knowledge Broker Study Report
Knowledge brokering is the process of “bringing people together, to help them build relationships, uncover needs, and share ideas and evidence that will let them do their jobs better.