Partnering for Change Pilot Project 2008-2009
A pilot project, funded by the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) and the Ontario Rehabilitation Research Advisory Network (ORRAN), was conducted to determine the specific type of occupational therapy services that should be provided in school to children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). There was recognition that research to transform school-based rehabilitation would require meaningful and ongoing engagement with the individuals, organizations, and systems who would be the ultimate end users of this knowledge. Meetings helped to identify the major challenges of the existing system and provided a forum in which to share ideas and to shape the research agenda with respect to developing and evaluating a new approach to intervention. A pilot study was initiated in 2 elementary schools and the intervention was discussed and refined at the symposia.

Because, Partnering for Change (P4C) was initially developed to support children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), the P4C team developed several resources for children with DCD during the initial studies of P4C. These resources are available here.
Ontario Rehabilitation Research Advisory Network. $79,835, 2008-09. Partnering for change (Pilot): An innovative school health service delivery model to improve access to rehabilitation services for children with developmental coordination disorder. Missiuna, C. (PI), Pollock, N., Bennett, S., Russell, D., Gaines, R., Cairney, J., & Hecimovich, C.
P4C Pilot Project Team
- Dr. Cheryl Missiuna
- Nancy Pollock
- Dr. Sheila Bennett
- Dr. John Cairney
- Cindy DeCola
- Dr. Robin Gaines
- Cathy Hecimovich
- Dr. Danielle Levac
- Dr. Dianne Russell
- Sandra Sahagian Whalen
Sharing our Findings
Missiuna, C., Pollock, N., Levac, D., Campbell, W., Sahagian Whalen, S., Bennett, S.,… Russell, D. (2012). Partnering for Change: An innovative school-based occupational therapy service delivery model for children with developmental coordination disorder. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79(1), 41-50. doi: 10.2182/cjot.2012.79.1.6.