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Dr. Sarah Westcott McCoy

Associate Member

Sarah westcott mccoy cropped


Associate Members


Sarah (Sally) Westcott McCoy, PT, PhD, FAPTA ( is a Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Director of the Division of Physical Therapy at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA.  She teaches within courses related to pediatric clinical practice, postural and motor control, and professional issues. She has been involved in pediatric physical therapy working clinically in various settings (EI, schools, private practices) and parts of the US. She is an International Collaborator for CanChild, where she has previously worked as a co investigator on the Move & PLAY study (with Doreen Bartlett as PI and Lisa Chiarello, Bob Palisano, Peter Rosenbaum as co-investigators) and on the On Track study as a PI for the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute contract supporting the study (again with Doreen Bartlett as PI on a Canadian Institute of Health Research Grant also supporting the study and Lisa Chiarello, Bob Palisano, Lynn Jeffries, Alyssa Fiss, and Steve Hanna as co-investigators). Her clinical research has focused on the assessment and intervention for children with cerebral palsy and children with developmental coordination disorder. She has previously served on the Editorial Board of the Physical Therapy Journal, the Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics journal, and the American Physical Therapy Association PTNow online website for knowledge translation to inform evidence based practice.

She was directly involved with the development of these measures:

On Track Measures

Balance (Early Clinical Assessment of Balance | ECAB training and testing presentation with audio and video)

Endurance (Early Activity Scale for Endurance, 6-Minute Walk Test)

Areas of Focus

Measures for postural and motor dysfunctions; Evaluation of motor learning interventions for children with developmental coordination disorder; Best practices for children with cerebral palsy


Move & Play Executive Summary

The purpose of the Move & PLAY study was to gain a better understanding of the child, family, and service delivery factors that support the development of movement abilities and participation in self-care, recreation, and play of preschool children with cerebral palsy (CP).

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Recreation and Rehabilitation Services - Move & Play

This report focuses on what parents told us about the recreation and rehabilitation services their children received. We collected information about various aspects of these services at the 2nd session, using a parent questionnaire developed by the research team.

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Motor and Self-Care Abilities - Move & Play

There are 2 summaries in this series describing the results of the main goal of the Move & PLAY study: to determine which child, family, and service factors influence children’s motor, self-care, and play abilities.

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