Move & PLAY Study (Understanding Determinants of Motor Abilities, Self-Care, and Play of Young Children with Cerebral Palsy)

The purpose of this study was to follow a large number of children over a period of one year to gain an understanding of factors associated with motor function, self-care, participation and play of young children with cerebral palsy (CP). We recruited 430 children in selected sites in both Canada and the United States, and maintained 90% of the sample over the year. We believe that the results of our study provide very useful information to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of rehabilitation services for preschool children with CP. Significant factors that are amenable to change are targets of intervention. Factors that cannot change assist with goal setting within children's likely potentials.
Click here to see Recruitment site details
Executive Summary of key findings from the Move & PLAY study.
Research Summaries for families and service providers.
The On Track Study was the next step in our program of research, following the Move & PLAY study, as we continued to investigate the development of children with cerebral palsy or gross motor delay.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, MOP - 81107 (2006-2009)
U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research, H133G060254 (2006-2009)