Frequently Asked Questions
Questions asked by parents
Q: I am wondering if my son/daughter has DCD. Where can I get more information about this condition?
A: You may find it helpful to read the flyer "Does your Child have DCD". Another important resource describing children with DCD which also outlines effective management strategies is the booklet "Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: At home, at school, and in the community".
Q: I think my son/daughter might have DCD. What should I do?
A: If you suspect that your child is having coordination difficulties, it may be useful to discuss your concerns with your family doctor. While some doctors are aware of developmental coordination disorder, others are not. You may find it helpful to share a copy of a flyer about DCD written specifically for family physicians with your doctor. Another important resource outlining useful strategies and tips for children with DCD is the booklet "Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: At home, at school, and in the community".
Q: Do you provide intervention for children with DCD at CanChild?
A: We are a research group and do not provide services for children with DCD. Not having seen your child, we cannot make specific recommendations about their management. This website provides general information and strategies which may be helpful for children with DCD but we are not able to provide information or answer questions about individual children.
Q: My child has a coordination difficulties, but I don't feel that his/her teachers understand his/her challenges.
A: Many educators are unfamiliar with DCD and are not sure how best to support children who struggle with motor based tasks. You might find some of the resources written specifically for teachers helpful to share with your child's school.
Q: Are the DCD flyers available in French?
A: Several of the DCD flyers are available in French:
Q: What are the guidelines for downloading CanChild materials and printing/distributing them?
A: You may download, copy and distribute the CanChild educational materials to share with others who you think may be interested in receiving these materials.
Q: Are there any support groups in Canada for parents of children with DCD?
A: Unfortunately there are very few supports for young people with DCD and there are no support groups in Canada. However, it may be useful to contact your local Learning Disability Organization as they often have links to programs/groups/activities. Several recent books contain many topics pertinent to young people with DCD. There are a few websites in the UK for teens that provide a place for kids to talk to each other, such as "Dyspraxic Teens Forum".
Q: Where can I find an occupational therapist (OT) or a physiotherapist (PT) in my area?
A: We don't make referrals to specific service providers. Your family physician may be able to direct you to local services provided in your community. If you live in Ontario, Canada, you may find the resource "Finding an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist in Ontario" helpful.
Q: What is the bird mascot found on all of the educational materials about DCD?
A: The DCD mascot is the Blue-Footed Boobie-Bird of the Galapagos Islands. The Blue-Footed Boobie Bird has personality and talent - it can fly incredibly high into the air and dive into the ocean; it can even do a very funny dance. Despite these strengths, this unique bird has a lot of trouble landing and often goes for a tumble. We selected this bird as a mascot for our DCD educational materials so they will be easy to identify and will be attractive to share with children.
Questions asked by service providers
Q: What is the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ) and where can I obtain a copy?
A: The Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (known as the "DCDQ") is a parent-report questionnaire used to identify motor coordination problems in children 5 to 15 years of age. The most recent 15-item version of this questionnaire is the DCDQ'07. For more information on this questionnaire, including recent research, see Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire.
Q: I am an Occupational Therapist interested in learning more about DCD. Are there any courses, seminars, or conferences that I can attend?
A: Every 2 years, an international DCD conference is held inviting academics, researchers and clinicians to come together to share research about children with DCD. For information about the most recent or upcoming DCD international conference, it is recommended that you search the internet for "international conference on children with DCD".