SibYAC Activities

Celebrate the Art of Sibling Science!
The Sibling Youth Advisory Council (SibYAC) was established as a research partner in the doctoral studies of CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot™ Project Graduate Trainee and Research Assistant Linda Nguyen.
In April 2021, the SibYAC presented their experiences about their roles as siblings at home, careers, mental health and research, including the BEST SIBS Study, at Luke’s Legacy Family Research Rounds. They celebrated their partnership in this initiative with a virtual social dinner.
To learn more about SibYAC or the BEST SIBS study, please contact LindaNguyen at
Clockwise from top left: Samantha Bellefeuille, Linda Nguyen, Jessica Havens, and Hanae Davis.
Shared in the CanChild Today newsletter in May 2021.

Celebrating Sibling Partnership in Research!
In Linda Nguyen’s doctoral studies, she partners with the Sibling Youth Advisory Council (SibYAC) to understand the experiences of siblings who have a brother or sister with a disability and preparing for health care transition.
In December 2020, the SibYAC celebrated their partnership and accomplishments for the year, including the design of the BEST SIBS Study, by hosting a virtual holiday social event and mailing care packages to each other.
SibYAC members from left to right: Dana Arafeh, Linda Nguyen, Hanae Davis, Jessica Havens, and Samantha Bellefeuille
Shared in the CanChild Today, CHILD-BRIGHT Connections, and Family Engagement in Research course newsletters in January 2021.