Book your Concussion Smart session now
This 3 minute video describes the content of our Concussion Smart interactive sessions.
The Back2Play Team has developed a Concussion Smart circuit. We offer interactive and sport specific education on concussion prevention, recognition and management for junior athletes, students, parents, teachers, coaches, trainers and officials. This is modified to suit tournaments, team sessions, club or league events, the classroom and inservices.
Our Concussion Smart Circuit includes:
- Fun and Interactive Activities
- Concussion Facts
- Sport Specific Play Safe Cards
- Concussion Symptom Simulation
- Back2Play App Demo
- Illustration of Return to Activity and Return to School Guidelines
- Information on Rowan’s Law

Over 80% of the participants tell us that they find our sessions helpful, learn something new, feel more confident about concussions and will do something differently to keep their brains safe in their sport.
If you want to begin a conversation about how this would work with your team, classroom or event please contact

Join our social media community @back2playconcussionresearch, Facebook: @Back2Play to see and hear more about concussion research and education!