GMFM Other
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Translations of measures and materials on the CanChild website have been performed by individuals who are fluent in both English and their own language. CanChild requires a back translation of the document by a different person than the original translator to ensure accuracy. The customs and culture of various regions may not be reflected accurately unless a validation study has been conducted.
Links between motor growth measures and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
Information from the GMFM-88 or GMFM-66 and the motor growth curves assist with assessment and intervention at the ICF dimension of “activity/activity limitations (execution of a task or action by an individual). The GMFM-88 or GMFM-66 do not provide information at the dimension of ‘impairment’ in body structure and function, nor does it describe how a person uses their gross motor function for participation in daily life.
Gross Motor Performance Measure (GMPM) and Quality Function Measure (Quality FM)
The GMPM was developed originally to evaluate change in quality of movement or "How well does a child do the GMFM activities they are able to do". The Quality FM is an adaptation of the GMPM scored from videotapes of children performing dimensions D: standing and E: walking, running, and jumping. It uses 4 point response options to rate the quality attributes of alignment, weight shift, coordination, dissociated movements, and stability. The measure is appropriate for children ages 5 and up who are functioning at GMFCS levels I, II, and III. Scoring of videos takes 60 to 90 minutes. Certification in training is required to use the Quality FM. Further information is available here.
The Challenge
The Challenge is an assessment of advanced motor skills. It was designed to extend upon the foundation skills of the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66). It can be used with children with cerebral palsy who are aged 6 years and up, ambulatory without devices; those functioning at GMFCS Levels I or II.
The Challenge items test skills that are considered important for children and youth to be able to perform in school and recreation and focus on speed, balance, coordination, integration of upper and lower limb movements, and dual task performance.
Each of its 20 skills is scored on a 5-point response scale, 0 to 4, using item-specific response options. Test administration takes 45 to 60 minutes and requires a 10 meter 'track'. The Challenge should be scored by an evaluator who has experience with administering the GMFM-66, has taken the Challenge training course, and passed the Challenge criterion test. Further information is available here.