CAPE/PAC Activity Cards only
Measures of Children's Participation and Enjoyment: CAPE & PAC

The Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) and the Preferences for Activities of Children (PAC) are two companion measures of children's participation. Both are completed by the child/youth and gather information about their participation in recreation and leisure activities outside of school activities.
What is it?
The CAPE is a 55-item questionnaire designed to examine how children and youth participate in everyday activities outside of their school classes. The CAPE provides information about five dimensions of participation. This includes diversity (number of activities done), intensity (frequency of participation measured as a function of the number of possible activities within a category), and enjoyment of activities. It also provides information about the context in which children and youth participate in these activities (i.e., with whom and where they participate). The PAC taps into a sixth dimension of participation, that is, children's preferences for involvement in each activity.
Both measures contain 55 activities related to children's day-to-day participation in activities outside of the school curriculum. There is a self-administered and interviewer-assisted version of each measure. The CAPE takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, depending on the number of activities the child does. The PAC takes generally 15-20 minutes to complete. Both measures are appropriate for children and youth (with and without disabilities) between 6 and 21 years of age.
CAPE/PAC Activity Cards only include:
- 67 printed Activity Cards
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Activity Card Sample