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Dr. Lesley Pritchard

Associate Member

Lesley pritchard


Associate Members


Dr. Pritchard is a Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and co-director of the Rehabilitation Research Centre in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses on evaluation of effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions and processes of care for children with childhood onset disabilities with an emphasis on functional mobility, fitness, participation and inclusion. She is particularly interested in how child and family experience inform rehabilitation interventions and service delivery. Dr. Pritchard is an Associate Editor for Pediatric Physical Therapy, the official journal of the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy (American Physical Therapy Association) and the Pediatric Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. She is also an Editorial Board member for Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics and previous President of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (2022-2023).