Integrated serviCes for inclusion anD Equity (INCLUDE) 2017-2018
A tiered service delivery approach involves providing some services universally to all children with more intense or individualized services being added for children who require more support. Helping families and educators better support children at home and at school is an important part of this approach.
The INCLUDE study was a joint effort between CanChild, the Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB), and the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network (HNHB LHIN) with research funding from the Hamilton Community Foundation. The project studied how health professionals and educators can work together as a team to deliver tiered services and support all members of school communities. The project was supported by a Steering Committee with members from the HWCDSB, HNHB LHIN, Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SEHC), and the research team.
The study used a participatory action research approach by partnering with researchers, decision-makers, and local users. We used qualitative research methods to learn about the processes, experiences, and activities of teams that included a special education resource teacher (SERT), occupational therapist (OT), and speech-language pathologist (SLP). The teams worked closely together for one school year in two elementary schools. The OT and SLP worked collaboratively with the SERT and educators to provide a range of services. The SERT and SLP services were provided by the school board and OT services were provided by SEHC.
The teams provided a variety of services to individual students, groups, whole classes and the school community. Collaboration and communication were key to defining roles and expectations, and to plan and share student information. The benefits included timely service, capacity building, and student goal achievement. The main barriers reported were service fragmentation, time, and workload.
Campbell, W. (PI), Missiuna, C., Pollock, N., Phoenix, M., Kennedy, J., & Ng., S. (2017-2018). Exploring Integrated, School-based Universal Services to Enhance Inclusion and Equity. Community Health, Education and Research Grant, Hamilton Community Foundation.
- Dr. Wenonah Campbell
- Dr. Cheryl Missiuna
- Cindy DeCola
- Leah Dix
- Isabel Eisen
- Dr. Stella Ng
- Dr. Michelle Phoenix
- Nancy Pollock
Sharing our Findings
Phoenix, M., Dix, L., DeCola, C., Eisen, I., & Campbell, W. (2021). Health professional-educator collaboration in the delivery of school-based tiered support services: A qualitative case study. Child: Health, Care and Development, 47(3), 367-276. doi: 10.1111/cch.12849