Relevant Legislation
Legislation refers to those Acts or bodies or a body of law that codifies how a law operates and is used. Below we have listed a number of acts in Yukon that address children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families.
Relevant Policies
Policy is how legislation or a law is put into action. Social policies address issues of the health, safety, and wellbeing of the members of a particular society such as health care and education. Below we have listed a number of policies in Yukon that address children and youth with a neurodevelopmental disorder and their families.
2012-2013 Yukon Budget Address
- The budget proposes an increase in funding to services for individuals with disabilities.
Case Management Services
Family Supports for Children with Disabilities
- In order to be eligible to receive services through the FSCD, the child must have a chronic developmental, physical, sensory, cognitive, mental health or neurological impairment that significantly limits a child’s ability to function in normal daily living. The child does not need to have a formal diagnosis in order to receive supports.
- A referral may be made by the parent or guardian.
- This program may provide funding for respite, family counselling, sibling care, a family coach, inclusion supports, specialized interventions, homemaker services for the family and in-home child care.
- For further information or call (867)393-7464 or 1-800-661-0408 extension 7464
Learning Disabilities Association of Yukon
- The LDAY is a not-for-profit organization serving children, youth and adults with learning disabilities
- The LDAY offers academic tutoring, referrals for private assessments, parent support and runs Camp Raven during March Break and summer vacation
Yukon Council on DisABILITY
- The Council published a guidebook to services for individuals with disabilities in 2011
Home Care Program
- The Home Care program provides health services to individuals who may have difficulty accessing community services in the community due to mobility or other health limitations
Yukon Association for Community Living
- For more information, please visit, call or email:
- P. O. Box 31478, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6K8
- Telephone: (867) 667-4606
- Fax: (867) 668-8169
- Email: yaclwhse@northwestel.net
Respite Care Services
In the Yukon, respite care services are offered through the Family Supports for Children with Disabilities Program or through the Yukon Continuing Care residential care facilities.
Family Supports for Children with Disabilities Program
- In order to be eligible to receive services through the FSCD, the child must have a chronic developmental, physical, sensory, cognitive, mental health or neurological impairment that significantly limits a child’s ability to function in normal daily living. The child does not need to have a formal diagnosis in order to receive supports.
- A referral may be made by the parent or guardian
- This program may provide funding for respite, family counselling, sibling care, a family coach, inclusion supports, specialized interventions, homemaker services for the family and in-home child care
- For further information call (867)393-7464 or 1-800-661-0408 extension 7464
Respite Care Services
- Provides short-term respite (for up to four weeks) to caregivers
- Copper Ridge Place is a 96-bed facility that offers residential and respite services to children and youth in need of complex chronic care.
- For further information call the Continuing Care Admission and Assessment Coordinator at 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8961
Supported Child Care Program
- Provides additional assistance to child care programs in order to support children with special needs
- For further information call 1-800-661-0408 ext. 3492